Csec industrial technology syllabus 2002

Csec industrial technology syllabus


The format of the examinations for the Electrical and Electronic Technology Unit is:

Basic Proficiency 

Paper I A  60-item  multiple-choice test common   to  Basic   and   Technical   Proficiencies
(1¼ hours) covering  Modules  1-4, 6-7  of the  Unit.  Knowledge and   Application will be tested in the ratio of 1:1. The Paper will be worth 60 marks.

Paper-II A free response paper in three sections covering  Modules 1-4, 6-7  of the  Unit.
(2¼ hours)     
Section A Four compulsory short answer questions involving computations.    Each
question will be worth 15 marks.  The total for the section is 30 for
Knowledge and 30 for Application. 

Section B Three questions involving drawing.  Candidates must answer 2  questions.  
Each question will be worth 20 marks with 10 for Knowledge and 10 for
Application . 

Section C Two practically oriented questions drawn from Modules 1-4, 6-7 of the 
Unit.  Candidates must answer one question.  Each question will be worth
20 marks of which 10 marks will be for Knowledge and 10 marks for

Paper III  Candidates  are  required to complete two assignments during  terms 4  and 5  (Terms  one and  
School-Based two of the examination year).  Each candidate is required to: 
(SBA) i) perform five laboratory exercises to be selected from a list of eight published by CXC.  
These will be worth 90 marks for the profile dimension Practical Ability;
ii) complete a written assignment set by CXC based on Module A8:  Career Opportunities.  This
will be worth 30 marks for the profile dimension Practical Ability. 

Details of the School-Based Assessment component are on pages 30-34.

Technical Proficiency 

Paper I A 60-item  multiple-choice   test  common  to  Basic   and   Technical  Proficiencies  
(1¼ hours) covering Modules  1-4, 6-7  of the  Unit.  Knowledge and   Application will be tested in the ratio of 1:1. The Paper will be worth 60 marks.

Paper-II     A free response paper in three sections.
(2½ hours) 
Section A Five short-answer questions drawn from Modules A2, A3, and Module A5.2
of the syllabus.   Candidates must answer all five questions.  Each question
will be worth 8 marks of which 4 marks will be for Knowledge and 4 marks
for Application. 

Section B Four essay/problem questions, involving calculations and/or sketches, 
drawn from all modules of the syllabus.  Candidates must answer three
questions.  Each question will be worth 20 marks of which 10 marks will be
for Knowledge and 10 marks for Application. 
Section C Two practically oriented questions drawn from all modules of the syllabus. 
Candidates must answer one question.  The question will be worth 20
marks of which 10 marks will be for Knowledge and 10 marks for

Paper III  Candidates are required to complete two  assignments  during  terms 4  and 5 (Terms  one  and 
School-Based two of the examination year).  Each candidate is required to:
(SBA) i) perform five laboratory exercises to be selected from a list of eight published by CXC.  
These will be worth 90 marks for the profile dimension Practical Ability;
ii) complete a written assignment set by CXC based on Module A8:  Career Opportunities.  This
will be worth 30 marks for the profile dimension Practical Ability. 

Details of the School-Based Assessment component are on pages 30-34. 


It is recommended that a minimum of 4 hours per week should be timetabled for the Electrical and Electronic 
Technology Unit.  Of this, 2½ hours should be for theoretical instruction and the remaining 1½ hours for practical
(laboratory) work.

An additional 10 minutes of reading time will be allowed for Paper 2.  The total time for Paper 2 will therefore be 2
hours and 40 minutes.  No writing must be done during the 10 minutes of reading time.

The use of calculators will be permitted in the examination

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